Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Waiting for September!

can't wait for september! guess what? i'll be a student again this september! .Sitting at home wasn't a good idea okay! i thought that maybe i should work but my dad kindda so"controlling"me.He doesn't allowed me to work.He said that i should rest for a month before continue my study this september.He also doesn't allowed me to chase my dream..That is study abroad at UK(he doesn't trust me living in a country that have night live) ...Right now i should be happy cause if he let me go i'll be studing at UK this september.Oh and guess what scholar closed!so i don't have any choice left so i decided to study at private universities in Malaysia!. Before making any of the decision of course i need to "selidik"dulu kan U mana yang terbaik untuk i.So i guess Uni*** is the best option for me right now.Diploma done and Hello Degree.For Diploma i take IT courses.For Degree i'll be Computer Science student .Im so excited to learn new things!... i really really don't like staying at home for too long it's killing me like hell kot~!.Nak study balik SERONOK!.Waiting for september oh i can't wait for that moment to come!! ..

cost living at UK per year memang tak mampu nak bayar!that's why i can't go right?
this is one of the offer letter from UK.:( and oh nama depan aku zai okey!

Sepahan Belong Saya

bersepah kan belog aku nih?yah i know right?im not a good writer .plus i really don't know to handle this so called belog.HAHA...i write what i need to write what's not tak perlu lah kan?.well as u guys can see i'm not really into updating my BELOG cause im really lazy to write plus again im not a good writer.Karangan hancur bagi lah kat aku meh aku buat !HAHA..Bila aku rasa perlu untuk menulis aku tulis.Rasa macam nak delete saje lah Belog ini .!:)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

things that made me so happy ;)

handphone baru xsehebad korung kan??
tapi aq memng minat hp nie touchscreen hee
and design dy simple;)

jam baru saya hehe;)
and love the design;p

im so heppy to get new handphone;)
vivaz je pon but i really appriciate it;)
bapak aq nak belikan BLACKBERRY tapi aq xnak plak.
dloo aq ske lah skrg tidak lagi haha.
i love touchscreen device(ceh cos aq nga wat research sal touchscreen on my current issues project)
warne silver je cos warne pink tade haha ape2 jelah wei haha
then aritu shopping jam fossil;)
shopping zara,cotton on and pull and bear hehe;)
lama dah x dapat macam2 sekarang dh dapat rase sgt happy xde boyfie pn rase happy je.
sebab klo dapat shopping mmg aq tak heran laen bende dah haha.
kan ??girl like me are independant no boyfie but im happy with my life;) haha
imma shopaholic! if dah keje tataw lah camne aq spend kan??
sah sah duit gaji aq dispend ke bende merapu yg aq beli ,HAHA tak sabar nak bekerja;)
nak shopping banyak2 cam dalam cerita SHOPAHOLIC,hehe;p

Monday, January 3, 2011

menyampah and benci !

Sometime kaw buat aq menyampah ngan perangai kaw tu.Bagi kaw melawak tu biase,memang lah melawak sape tak suke kan??.Tapi jangan lah sampai buat aq terase,memang lah aq sensitip tapi kaw melawak pun agak agak lah tak payah lah nak memalukan aq.Maybe bagi kaw gurau tapi aq rase tu nak menjatuhkan aq.Tak tahu lah ape niat kaw kan tapi aq tak suke.aq dah banyak kali bagi tahu sepatutnya kaw paham.Tapi nampaknya kaw memang saje nak bagi aq malu kan??
Jangan tanya lah kenape aq dah lain sekarang,kaw yang buat aq camni.Kaw mule kan dulu.Aq nie dah tawar hati dah ngan kaw.Kalau kaw terbaca post nie mesti lah kaw kate aq BODOH kan tapi aq nak kaw tahu yang aq rase kaw MELAWAK terlebih.Aq TAK suke TAK suke.Kenape kaw suke buat camni kat aq??.Kalau kaw rase aq tak bergune kaw boleh pergi.Sebab aq dah penat ngan kaw.BTW thanks cos buat lawak aq mmg suke lawak yg menyakit en hati kan?;)